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the fragility of memory


At the end of the 80’s, Pini and Aguja play their childhood on the sidewalk; land of friends, loves and first battles at siesta time. The years push and the days in the neighborhood lose their innocence. When forgetfulness and frontiers are imposed, resistance also ignites. Theater and circus merge to narrate a story of encounters, losses and embraces in the midst of the outdoors. Two beings on their journey of growing up, searching for dreams and roots that always lead elsewhere.


About the Play

In the fall of 2020, this theatrical craft began to take shape, promoted by the Chilean-Argentinean circus company Tallarín with Banana and Severo Callaci, actor, director and playwright from Rosario. The team is later joined by Daniel Calistro, Chilean actor, director and technician.

Between the intimate and the universal, the singular and the collective, this fiction navigates through landscapes of childhood, adolescence and youth somewhere in South America in the 1980s and 1990s.

Theater and circus; dance, music and aerial acrobatics combine to narrate a neighborhood story that explores identities, breaks down borders and bets on the power of bonds in times of uncertainty.

A theater and circus play for all audiences.


Assembly time: 3 hs Disassembly time: 2 hs

Scenic space

Front 8 m, Depth 6 m, Height 6,5 m
5 floor anchorage points for aerial acrobatics structure

2 3 m stage legs, on each side at mid-stage.

(If the dimensions do not fit these measures, please consult us to evaluate the possibilities of adapting the staging).


Sound equipment with mini-plug input for computer connection.

2 canon inputs for wireless microphones (in case the capacity exceeds 200 people and the room or alternative spaces do not have good acoustics).


Light table with more than 10 channels
3 front pc or licon
2 front leko medium and high structure
1 red leko
2 white street lights
4 pair mil or pc blue streets
4 par mil against amber